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Our Intentions

are first and foremost to always be and move in integrity. Connecting community by assessment of needs and resources is a definite way to create self-sufficiency within our Afro-indigenous communities.  We are sovereign beings and we do not consent to being replicated, exploited, preyed upon or any of the likes. Our purpose here is to cultivate a space of positive expansion by destroying what has been detrimental, and providing tools and education to a better wellbeing. 


Our Offerings

are all umbrellaed under "health & wellness" and separated into three fundamental companies. Berry V Apothecary is our online store, offering spiritual & healing tools for the whole body, mind and spirit. Berry Vegan Cupcakes is a homestead vegan bakery offering delicious plant-based desserts and treats. Ubuntu Learning Academy, a holistic education center offering classes and courses, specialized in community-style education and self-sustainability; based on the African philosophy of Ubuntu, "I am because we are'. 

Yaa Nikua
I could give myself many titles and step into many different boxes, but the most purest expression of who I am is Uniqua.
With hands that heal, honoring bodies that feel, I create. 

I am ordained because I am.

-Yaa Nikua

An Unfolding Story

Our foundation is in healing, learning, and creating. Healing is a continuous process of contraction and expansion. To go within and explore ourselves and our communities offers an opportunity for us to unlearn through our pains and learn new ways of being in order to expand and create the best versions of our self. 


Our Commitment

We are committed to learning, educating, and expanding on Health & Wellness, Spirituality, and Economic Development.

Our products and services are all grounded in wellness because that is the key to economic development.  Honoring our bodies and our full self is how we proclaim our sovereignty. 

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